Chana Brown, also known as Chickpeas are petite and about the size of a green pea. When fresh they are encased in a paper-like, light green shell. Each shell contains one or two light green beans that have a lumpy, rounded shape. Once shelled the beans typically do not need to be peeled like fava beans do, though if the beans taste more chewy than creamy they might benefit from rubbing with your hands or a towel to loosen their skins and remove, similar to peeling a hazelnut. Chana Brown offer a starchy, buttery texture and a mild bean flavor that is both sweet and nutty. Once dried, most varieties of Garbanzo bean will turn from green to a pale tan hue. Chana Brown can be utilized as a fresh shelling bean, and their popularity as such has been growing in recent years though they are still most commonly today used in their dried or canned form.
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